
To use t.ex-Graph, you need to install Node.js (ideally v16+) and npm (ideally v8+). Use the following command to install the dependencies.

npm install

Afterwards you can convert HTTP/S requests to t.ex-Graph with the following command:

node index.js gexf examples\ -o examples\output.gexf


Following this link t.ex-graph-converter,you can find the documentation of the code.


Usage: t.ex-graph [options] [command]

A tool to convert labeled data sets generated by T.EX to t.ex-Graph in the GEXF format.

  -V, --version         output the version number       
  -h, --help            display help for command        

  gexf [options] <dir>  Convert an exported JSON file to a GEXF file.
  help [command]        display help for command


Usage: t.ex-graph gexf [options] <dir>

Convert an exported JSON file to a GEXF file.

  dir                  path to JSON files

  -o, --output <file>  name of the output file created in current working directory (default: "output.gexf")    
  --sld                in case nodes should be second level domains instead of fully qualified domain names     
  -fp, --first-party   include first-party requests to generate nodes and edges
  -s, --silent         disable progress indicator printing on console
  -h, --help           display help for command  


This repository contains the artifacts of our paper t.ex-Graph: Automated Web Tracker Detection Using Centrality Metrics and Data Flow Characteristics (to be) presented at the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023) in Lisbon, Portugal.

If you use t.ex-Graph in your work, please cite the publication using the following BibTex:

@inproceedings { 
    author = {Raschke, Philip and Herbke, Patrick and Schwerdtner, Henry},
    title = {t.ex-Graph: Automated Web Tracker Detection Using Centrality Metrics and Flow Characteristics},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Security and Privacy},
    year = {2023},